02 October 2015

Dapper: Powerful micro object mapper for .Net


Dapper.Net or Dapper is a simple and powerful micro object mapper for .Net, that eases the development of a Data Access Layer (DAL).
Dapper is in production used by Stack Overflow, helpdesk and other companies.
Performance is the major focus in Dapper. It is very fast and the execution time is near equal to a hand coded DAL using the SqlDataReader.
Dapper uses the POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) approach.


Dapper has several installation options:
1) Download from github
Dapper can be downloaded from the github
After the download the cs class files must be added to your project or class library.

2) Nuget package
Dapper is also available as a Nuget package that can be added to you Visual Studio Project references.


Dapper extend the IDbConnection interface with three Helpers:
1) Execute a query and map the results to any strongly type
public static IEnumerable Query(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, SqlTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true)

2) Execute a query and map the results to a Dynamic type
public static IEnumerable Query (this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, SqlTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true)

3) Execute a command that returns no results
public static int Execute(this IDbConnection cnn, string sql, object param = null, SqlTransaction transaction = null)

A simple example is to retrieve user information from a database.
First define the POCO class that represents the user. The names must be equal to the database table names.
public class User
     public int UserID { get; set; } 
     public string Name { get; set; }
To select a list of all the users:
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))
     List users = connection.Query("SELECT * FROM [User]").ToList();
Not that "myConnectionString" must be a connection string accepted by the SqlConnection.
Dapper also works with LINQ to return a list (ToList) or single objects (Single / SingleOrDefault)

Parameterized queries

The parameters of a query are passed as anonymous classes.
The anonymous classes must have the query parameter name and it's value.

To select a list of all the users that the name ends with "Doe":
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))
     List users = connection.Query("SELECT * FROM [User] WHERE Name LIKE @name", new {name = "%Doe'"}).ToList();
In this example the name will be matched with the parameter @name of the query.

Stored Procedures

Dapper has extensive support for stored procedures.

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))
     List users = connection.Query("UserSearch", 
                                               new {name = "%Doe"}, 
                                               commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList();
In this example, the stored procedure has a parameter named "name" that will receive the value "%Doe".
The parameters can also be passed using the DynamicParameters class, but the anonymous class approach works fine and is more simple.

Table Value Parameters

Dapper supports Stored Procedures Table Value Parameters (TVP):
System.Data.DataTable countryDataTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
countryDataTable.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(long));


using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))
     bool isValid = connection.Query(@"IsValid", 
                                      new {
                                             UserID = 674,
                                             countries = countryDataTable.AsTableValuedParameter("[dbo].[IdList]")
                                           commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure

Where IdList is the sql server table value type with the column Id of type INT
 [Id] [int] NULL

Multiple Result Sets

Dapper has support for multiple result sets in a single query.
In this case use the QueryMultiple extension method:
var sql = @" select * from Users where UserID = @id ";
sql += @" select * from Roles where UserID = @id"

using (var multi = connection.QueryMultiple(sql, new {id = myId }))
     var users = multi.Read<User>().Single();
     var roles = multi.Read<Role>().ToList();

CRUD - Create, Read, Update and Delete

Dapper has no native support for Create, Read, Update e Delete (CRUD)
These operations must be manually developed in queries.

There are however third party extensions that easy the implementation of these operations.
One of those is SqlMapperExtensions the can be found on the dapper github on the Dapper.Contrib Folder.
The file must be added to your project or class library.
This extension uses the POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) approach, so you must create a class that has it's properties with the same name and corresponding data type with the database table.
Take some time to read the extension code and verify that it implements the code accordingly to your needs.

The SqlMapperExtension implements the following extension methods:

The entity identifier must have the attribute [Key] to identify it.
public class User
     public int UserID { get; set; } 
     public string Name { get; set; }

1) Get
Get returns a single entity by it's Id.
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))
     User user = connection.Get(200);

2) Insert
Inserts the entity and returns it's Id.

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))
     User user = new User();
     user.Name = "John Doe";

3) Update
Updates the entity.

4) Delete
Delete the entity by it's Id.

5) DeleteAll
Deletes all the entities in the table with the same name as the POCO class.
The best documentation for this extension is at the Test cases

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