21 October 2010

KBxxxxxxx does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer

When installing a visual studio 2010 hotfix I got the error:

KBxxxxxxx does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer

To fix it i had to goto Programs and Features in the control panel, selected Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and selected Unistall/Change. Then I made a repair.
When the repair finished I executed the hotfix and it installed.

20 October 2010

Missing Edit WCF Configuration menu option in Visual Studio

Normally the context menu option Edit WCF Configuration for a app.config or web.config is not shown.
To fix this issue open up the Tools menu in Visual Studio and choose Wcf Service Configuration Editor.
The tool will open, close it straight away and then right-click in your config file.
The Edit WCF Configuration context menu is now visible.

18 October 2010

Hotfixes available for ‘scrolling context menu’ problem

Finally, the hotfix for ‘scrolling context menu’ problem in visual 2010. The context menus had scrollbars even when there is sufficient screen real estate to show the menu without one.

For more information and installation:

12 October 2010

Get only the Date Part of a DateTime

To get only the Date Part of a DateTime in an efficient way, use the following code:


How to Convert a String to Title Case

To convert a string Title Case, simply use the TextInfo class:

using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;

CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo;

string result = textInfo.ToTitleCase("this is test");

If the string is in uppercase first convert it to lowercase using the ToLower() method.